Friday, 18 January 2008

memories come flooding back, and its nice!~

i was chatting on msn with rachel and joann today.
was funny. we use to do everythin together, and now, we're million miles apart.. funny.

its been a good day today actually..i just laze around.. but, made a dessert, went of to the bank.. was suppose to go off to the hairdresser, but it was raining and it was windy.. and i just wanted to have my afternoon nap.. well, it was well into the evening, but who cares :)

i watched Gordon Ramsay live cook-along today!!
brilliant.. i have a feeling he did the show because he wanted to tell of all em haters that he can actually cook non-complicated dish that everyone at home could do.. so what did he do?
he did a live show, put up webcams all around UK, and asked everyone to join in..
i wanted to do it actually.. but, i didnt have time to buy all em ingredients.. and i thought.. sod it, it aint no way to spend ure friday nite issit?
i have to say tho, tomorrow i shall cook his recipe of scallops with tomato salsa!!! looks absolutely divine!!

iam feeling restless!!!
i need to get on with things..
things isnt moving!!
its mid january, time of the year where we realize we are just a year older, nearer to death and we have broken all em resolution that we made (if we did)
iam having january blues...

y cant uni start now?
its sheer horror innit when u wish ure classes in uni should be brought forward!!

iam blaming it on the january blues...

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