Tuesday, 1 July 2008

I sit here and wonder, how worse can things be?

'If first you dont succeed, dust yourself off and try again'

well, just by reading that, iam sure u guys guessed it, i failed my test.
iam feeling.. anger, denial, depression, acceptance.. and.. a whole load of nothingness.

i told to a couple of people around me, i dont mind failing if i caused massive accidents or putting lives in danger. i dont mind failing if i deserved to be failed.
but i failed on something so minor, i feel that god has been unfair..

'god throws things that HE knows you can handle'

work was shitty as well, since its the beginning of the month, so all the last month's financial things has to be done..
the moment i stepped into my bedroom, i stayed in a corner and just.. stare into nothingness...
the urge to cry is there.. but iam thinking.. why am i crying?
because i fail a test?

i feel like crying because in my head, ive let everyone down.
and thats just a shitty thing to feel.

'Things happens for a reason'

my body is just tired.
mentally, physically, and emotionally.
iam numb to the point.. when i accidentally banged my head on the wall, i felt nothing.

i need to find myself


rae said...

hey dear,
i just read ur blog.

don't give up.
stay strong.

cos i know
you can do it!!

*have yourself a me-time, it work wonders to ur mind, soul n body.

take care

rae said...

hey dear,
i just read ur blog.

don't give up.
stay strong.

cos i know
you can do it!!

*have yourself a me-time, it work wonders to ur mind, soul n body.

take care

Anonymous said...

I couldnt start with "You failed?" or "Dont worry, you'll try again!". Someone must fail, that someone just happend to be you. Toyo will survive cause Toyo actually is originally a car! Japanese car!

Im tired too. I cried the day before yesterday at everything just because I was so tired. Tired. Tired. My body is tired but my mind goes fast.