Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Attack of the Orang Utan!

well.. the camera actually worked today!!!
so here it is.
no, laugh
laugh ure heart out
i seriously dont mind.
we need to laugh.. the petrol prices are killing us, so we need some enjoyment.
laugh at the orang utan hair.
coz dammm!
dont i look like one?

i swear, DIY kit are just nasty!!

anyway.. hams.. have a good flight
will hopefully talk to u when ure in the airport!

but now, iam off to make me lunch.. :)
some mash, salad and sausages!
i loveeeeeeeee!


Anonymous said...

DOTTTTTTTTTTT... Change the hair!! :(

And THANKS for this post, you don't know what it did to my day ;)


-sT3pH- said...

hey babe... great to hear ur thoughts too... funky hair btw.
Hahah i know shopping mid exams is kinda fun.. BIG STRESS reliever.. minus all the guilt..

zephyr said...

dei! nut case! u r hair is confirmed org utan. then..masa u mendarat .. they will sure send u straight to SEPILOK THE ORANG UTAN SANCTUARY!