Friday, 11 January 2008

it doesnt matter its raining rashi.just speed. its better ure doing it when ure with me than when ure alone :)

i have the coolest instructor in the world i think..
it was raining buckets today.. and thats when i had my lessons.. iam tellin you, the rain, its not just rain.. its basically, a monsoon!!
its rain, splash a bit of sleets, then add in the STRONG wind.. and hell, all em country lanes dont really have street lamps do they?
so, iam driving blindly around corners, and he says..
'you can speed up if you want to..go about 90, it doesnt matter.. ure better off doing it on ure lessons than on your test.'

i see his logic, and iam just a student. he knoes better!~

now i know why jeremy clarkson gets such a rush driving em bugatti's

a msg came thru today to me.
i dont know how i should react to it.
i dont understand the motive, and i dont know what to do with it.

iam such a csi freak!!
i still remember the heartache of waiting for the last season of csi to start.. i search high and lows for the date of uk premier of csi. Las vegas baby!! i aint down with em miami versions.
so, the cliff hanger of last season was, the miniature killer (natalie) kidnapped sarah and posted a miniature crime scene to grissom. sarah and grissom and having a relationship, so theres enough drama to last us 10 episodes!!
iam telling you, who are the writers? coz they r brilll!!!
sarah escaped (of course) and everythin is back to normal.. for now :)

men who thinks honour killings are allright, fuck you. get some balls!~

and the latest season of project runaway is heeeereeeeee!!
i love the bitchin. its enlightening :)

dreamt about the family yesterday.
i have the 6 month itch. it comes every 6 months basically, and u tend to think about friends, family and people back home. and u desperately hope to be sent a magical no limit air miles ticket. and u wish u can just fly out there, hang around and fly back to your routine. alas, it was all just a dream.
its the 6 months itch.
its when u miss ure family so much, it actually hurts.
its the 6 months itch.
its when u remember the last time u hugged them and said 'take care, will see you soon'
its the 6 month itch.
its when u star plannin your next visit home, and your next home cooked traditional meal.
its the 6 month itch.

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