Sunday 21 September 2008


i dont want to sound conceited..
but iam a fabulous friend!
hell yeah!

So the big bro has basically gave a warning.. he said to my mum..
'please tell ure daughter she doesnt need to go out when she's down.. just sit at home and spend time with the family..'
to which i reply to my mum..
'iam 22 and i can do what i want...'

rite, so.. u would think this is some kind of rift in the family.
its not. i understand what the big bro is saying..
but at the same time.. it made me wonder..
they let me loose till i was 22, and NOW they are setting boundaries?
that aint gonna work now issit?
bless him.. i will be at home more i guess...

so, today was such a productive day.. came back from work, then helped mum with her assignments..
which turned totally sentimental since we were listening to Eid songs..
last year, when the family came down for Eid here, i asked the 2nd bro to bring a raya album..
so he brought it.. all 100 songs..
there were some master classic such as...

'oh oh oh baliikkk kammmmpuunnngggg.. oh oh oh baliiikk kampunnnggg'
'dalam dingin subur ku something something something'
'selamat hari raya.. kepada saudara serta saudari.. setahun.. hanya sekali'

iam telling u.. its all up in me head...
but, here is something that's bugging me...
this racial issue that is going around malaysia...
let it freaking rest!
the only original origins (heh? makes sense?) is the aborigines!
not the malays, the chinese, the indians, the lain-lain.
So, will u just shut the hell up?
cant we just enjoy the rumah berbuka?

ritey o people.. have a good week..
and seriously,
Karma WILL bite u back in the ass!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

babe, i so understand how it feels wen u were as free as a bird all this while and suddenly u're not?! i think u knoe what was the dilemma i wen thru too aite?, kau mmg akan sgt pressure at first....but justifying it to the other person will make they see why its hard for us to adapt.

i think ur brother is worried of u and wants u to realize gak, sometimes, u can find peace even by juz being at home...u dun have to go out :)

and yes my dear, u are one hell of a good fren! :)