Sunday, 8 June 2008

Sunday Nite

oh lordy lordy lordy lordy..
things has been happening heh?

first up, whats up with the weather?
bloody rain and gloom all week.. and today!
the sun couldnt stop shining..
well.. yes.. that's was Ive been wanting.. but it got a bit tooo hot today!!
smelly armpits!!!
oh yeah..i cant be satisfied.

and a whole lotta things happened this week..
the big bro is here... euro 08 started, fear of driving test is gripping me slowly.. and having to battle another on-coming eye infection.
i think its the heat.. and the dust.. This is what i hate..
rite.. uve been cleaning ure car/room/living room/kitchen/work desk a the whole shebangs.. then.. u wake up the next morning.. the dust has settled back to its usual place!
tell me.. how do we get rid of dust.. ONCE AND FOR ALL!
last Thursday, on me day off.. i went the whole hog a did a spring clean... just me tiny lil room...
i threw, 2 big black rubbish bag, 2 big black rubbish bag worth of clothes.. a bag of books.. and a bag of shoes! :s

yep... the whole lot.. well.. to be fair.. i didnt really throw em away.. i gave it to charity shops around the area..welll.. one person's crap is another person's treasure.. whatever.. as long as it is on me my room!

there was great promises of picnics and a game of badminton today..but.. the food got to us.. and the footie was on..heh, and i fell asleep.. but iam enjoying this life.. the presence of big bro makes a difference in our daily like.. its kinda like how it was in malaysia.. a sense of familiarity.. brought him to the supermarket for the bloody 10000th time! ANNNNDDD! biggest event ever!! i drove from me house to work!!! well.. not alone.. with me mum as a passenger! but i drove!! its a start isnt it?

oh.. this is going to be an interesting week
perhaps, i should write more..
but i dont know, i dont see the fun in it anymore..
maybe i just cant be bothered..
and thats not nice...

but, have a good week people!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cause you threw so many shoes away, Im sure you will be seen in New Look, Dorothy Perkins etc quite a few times in the near future :D

I miss you, Rashi.
I also miss Anna Monika Krawiec a lot.
I miss us three.