Tuesday, 20 May 2008


its a bit over the top,but yeah.
the light at the end of the tunnel? well.. iam at the END of the tunnel..
and i think i have done well.. all assignments were submitted on time, and so was my presentation.. but heck, i think i dropped in some freestyling facts, and iam not sure if it was right! hahahahaha
no biggie!

today, since iam not slaving away at work or working my brain out for the uni work.. its chill out day./.
long deserved... but yeah.. chill out day...
i hadnt had a chill out day for a bout 3 months actually.. since my term started.. no biggie..
iam sure there are others that are going thru worse things than me..

its domestic goddess day.
iam gonna do some baking.. a hell lot of cleaning.. and watch a dvd..

i like chill out day..

yesterday was tough with an a exam paper, one group presentation and one individual presentation...
i went early in the morning.. and came back late at night.. the uni was still buzzing with life when we left..
on the train home.. i realized just how tired i was and i started to think of my brothers and mum..
i cant imagine how tired they are when they slum back home..
a whole day of driving back and forth to courts, a whole day of dealing with pesky students, a whole day of dealing with some dramatic patients and a whole day dealing with ungrateful staff..
and when iam at home.. they actually take us out for dinner.. that means more driving bla bla bla.. that like.. hard work u know.. and to wake up the next day doing it all over again!
i think iam going to make more of an effort to help em out now.. i mean.. not with work obviously!
but with food! :)
i mean.. a full tummy just helps dont they?

but. yesterday also show me how some lecturers are just plain idiots.
and thats not a good thing..
u lose ure respect.. and hell, u find ureself being utterly rude to them..
and i just realize..
ALAN!!! u help ure students tooo much!

heck, i wish my brother was MY lecturer!
can u imagine the cookie points ive gained?

its sunny outside...
makes a change...
hell.. iam obsessed about the weather arent i?
its because..ure day depends on good weather..
sunny means smile, happiness
rainy/cloudy/windy means a whole day of grouchiness

this is another thing i discover about myself..
some people shop when they are just depressed and need a lil bit of pick me up.
iam the total opposite.. when iam happy.. i tend to buy a whole shop..
ask ezu and amy!
yesterday i was in cranberry (spending average about £5)
i came out of the store with £15 worth of chocolates, nuts and dates!
and i came home with 2 books too..

yes yes iam a shopaholic :)
but heck, verbaholic showed em yesterday with her presentation heh?

have a wonderful day everyone!

ps: oh pls pray iam not gonna burn my cake.. AGAIN!

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