it wasn't a holiday.
it was responsibility.
i wasn't happy to fly back at all, the work that was pending was enormous!
i wasn't happy, but god throws unexpected things at u.
so, what do ya do?
deal with it.
i did.
iam fine, iam better now.
its been a positive experience.
so, i was in malaysia for about 10 days.
first few days was resting day. and also klang trip day.
sorted all that.
2nd day i was there, it was election.
so, we, as a family did the proper thing.
we put out (well, the big bro did) an opposition flag, and let it hang there for about a week.
its all good, we didnt get pelted with eggs.
stayed awake the whole nite (i aint kidding) to see the result of the election.
sprinkle the nite with rumours, gossips, disbelief (DAP getting penang? what happened there?), loadsss of hilarious txt msges, hungry-ness and i have to say, it is the most fun nite ive had with the family.
oh , how ive missed em.
sunday was pretty quiet.
woke up to a new malaysia, still hooked on the telly tho, with the brothers bringing home every possible newspapers and of course, roti canai for breakfast :)
left Kelana jaya for shah alam, and met up with ezu in Klang.
and god, ive missed her.
talked politics (like duh!!), and was just being us.
ended up in subang for dinner where a quick call from pash went like this..
'eh, where u?'
'subang, with ezu, dinner'
'yeahla.. come arh babes..'
'okey..iam gonna change..then i'll see you a'
so u see, positive.
and god ive missed pash!!
the nite was good. memories, good ones. i shall keep it.
welll.. yeah.. what can i say?
it was good, bloody good.
at one point, we were suppose to have only like.. a regular nite out.
then we thought.. why not..
why not have an early and late bday celebration.
ealr being mine in march, and late being pashy's in december
we are legend.
we rock like nobody rock :)
met loads of people.
and i was just catching a glimpse of 'an un-travelled road'
that wouldve been me if i didnt come over here to live my life.
i could've been one of em
i would've.
the 3rd bro came down from sabah.
and yeah, ive missed him too...
he is hilarious..
wait, my whole family is bloody hilarious.
no, really.
iam sure we would excel if we put ourself in a stand-up family contest.
hands down we would win.
the banter we have, man, u be thinking chris rock took lessons from us!~ :)
we dont function good without humors. thats just us.
i knew that the big bro was worried.
all his questions 'where u going, what time coming back?' was always met up with 'keluar la.. dunno, around morning'
and big thanks to the other bro, who actually wakes up to open the door early in the morning.
i tell u, the brothers, they rock
most of the time when i was hanging out in the balcony, i begin to wonder about family life.
it was simple before, when all we wanted to do cycle all the way over to jusco, malacca.
now, its not complicated, but different.
iam not worried about my brothers, i know they handle life brilliantly.
and my mum, she is always worried about em. its silly, really.
but i understand why.
talking to my brothers showed me that, they went thru exactly what iam going thru rite now.
maybe iam just older.
*sigh* thats the word again.
so, the week came to an end, and thats it.
the unexpected turn in my life came to an end.
saw the people i wanted to see, and more.
had a good resting time, and most of all, remind myself how great my life actually is.
and thats all u can ask from an unexpected turn in life heh?
pictures u say?
its a bit sad, but i would say, 80% of the snaps taken are pictures of parties.
but yeah.
cant be bothered to load it up here tho.
blogger is being such a retard today.
bit later then heh?
nitey nite!~